Arab countries condemn deadly Kabul airport bombings

Twin blasts killed at least 90 people, including 13 US soldiers; dozens of others woundedç

ISTANBUL (AA) – Arab countries including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Kuwait have condemned the twin blasts outside Kabul’s airport that killed at least 90 people, including 13 US soldiers, with dozens of others wounded.

Thursday’s bombings have been claimed by the Daesh/ISIS-K terror group.


The Egyptian Foreign Ministry condemned the terrorist attack, and extended condolences to the victims.

In a statement, it reiterated its commitment “to combat the phenomena of terrorism, violence and extremism in all its forms.”

Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Foreign Ministry denounced the attack and expressed hope for stability in Afghanistan as soon as possible.

In a statement, it reaffirmed that such criminal acts contradict religious principles and human values.


The UAE’s Foreign Ministry said the country “utterly condemns these criminal acts and rejects all forms of violence and terrorism aimed at destabilizing security in contravention of all religious and human values and principles.”

In a statement, it also expressed condolences to the families of the victims, and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

“The UAE is closely and painstakingly following up on the latest developments in the Republic of Afghanistan and reaffirms the necessity of ensuring immediate stability and security there,” added the press release.


Bahrain said the “heinous terrorist act” contradicts all moral and humanitarian values and principles.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry conveyed condolences to the families and relatives of the victims in the “cowardly terrorist attack” and wished speedy recovery to the injured.

It expressed hope “that security, stability and peace in Afghanistan would soon be restored.”


Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry stressed “unwavering” stance against all acts of violence and terrorism, calling for more international efforts to counter such criminal acts against humanity.

It also conveyed condolences to the victims, and wished swift recovery to the wounded.

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