
Relationship between China and Malaysia

China and Malaysia approaches the 48th year of diplomatic relationships, relations between the two countries have attained a healthy and stable state. However, in 2020, a huge change occurred, affecting most, if not all, countries around the world – the Covid-19 pandemic.

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China and Russia: between partnership and competition

Many experts see relations between China and Russia either as a de facto alliance due to historical and geographical factors, or as a temporary alliance against Western influence, or as a forced partnership that Russia is desperately trying to get rid of. However, one thing is clear, over the past few years, bilateral relations have deepened in both the diplomatic and military spheres, which causes concern among American defense planners.

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Deputy director of Tsinghua’s center Zhao Keji: “The Cooperation between members of BRICS is very essential”

The emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—the BRICS—have been touted as the leaders of the developing world. Thıs organızatıon may be the alternative of the global financial system dominated by the West. But what do these initiatives signal about members’ intentions? He says that the future of the multilateral framework will in large part be shaped by China’s choices and capabilities.

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