Presidents of Kyrgyzstan and Finland hold talks in New York


President Sadyr Japarov met with President of Finland Alexander Stubb as part of the High-Level Week events of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, the president’s press service reported.

They discussed ways to expand cooperation, key international issues.

President Japarov congratulated the Finnish President with the upcoming chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in 2025, noting the symbolism of this event in connection with the 50th anniversary of adoption of the Helsinki Final Act.

Sadyr Japarov also said that Kyrgyzstan bids for non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council for 2027-2028, and asked for support of the country’s bid.

In turn, Alexander Stubb expressed readiness for dialogue, emphasizing the importance of developing bilateral relations between the countries.

He noted that Finland is ready to support initiatives aimed at strengthening international security, and expressed interest in deepening cooperation within the framework of multilateral international organizations.

The parties expressed confidence in further strengthening political, economic and cultural interaction between the two countries, which will contribute to the achievement of common goals in the international arena.



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