Kazakh Foreign Ministry Awards International Journalists in Annual Contest


Eight foreign journalists, winners of the ninth annual contest “Kazakhstan through the Eyes of Foreign Media,” were awarded at the Kazakh Foreign Ministry in Astana on Sept. 7. 

Launched in 2014, the contest celebrates outstanding text and video materials from foreign media outlets globally. The contest, now in its ninth year, has gathered media representatives covering diverse themes about Kazakhstan, from history, culture, and education to tourism, national cuisine, international relations, and Kazakhstan’s investment potential.

Kazakh Deputy Foreign Minister Roman Vassilenko congratulated winners on the occasion.

“I remember when we first launched the ‘Kazakhstan through the Eyes of Foreign Media’ contest in 2014, the excitement was undeniable. Each year, as we read the submissions, we are reminded of how much there is to discover about Kazakhstan. The eight journalists and content creators who have emerged as winners have brought fresh perspectives on our country, covering a wide array of topics ranging from Kazakhstan’s expanding global engagement and development of strategic bilateral relations to our rich cultural heritage in national sports and tourism,” said Vassilenko.

With around 80 journalists from 30 countries, the contest has seen a significant rise in the number of entries compared to previous years, according to him.

“The rise reflects the growing global interests of mass media in Kazakhstan and our expanding role on the world stage. This growing attention is a testament to President Tokayev’s effective foreign policy, which is grounded in the principles of peaceful, balanced and pragmatic diplomacy,” added Vassilenko.



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