Gender equality as one of the principles of building a New Uzbekistan

Lola Saidova, Doctor of Law, Professor,

Chief Researcher of the ISRS under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan — is a country of irreversible, rapid reforms. One of the priorities of the development strategy of the New Uzbekistan is the policy of achieving gender equality in the country.

Under the “Uzbekistan-2030” development strategy, large-scale measures are being implemented to increase women’s political, social and economic activity, protect mothers and children, promote gender equality and safeguard women’s rights and interests.

Thanks to the political will of the leadership of Uzbekistan, the Gender Strategy of Uzbekistan until 2030 was developed, the laws “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men”, “On protection from oppression and violence” were adopted, as well as legislative norms on mandatory gender expertise of all regulations and introduction of gender audit. Thus, a mechanism has been introduced to study the state of the gender approach in all government organizations and to develop measures to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men by the Federation of Trade Unions as public control. Liability for domestic violence has been strengthened. Over the past 5 years, more than 40 Presidential decrees and Resolutions have been adopted aimed at ensuring gender equality. Meanwhile, legislation for women is being improved and opportunities are expanding. In 2023, the Electoral Code of Uzbekistan established provisions that the number of women when nominated from political parties to representative bodies of power should be at least 40% of the total number of nominated candidates for deputies and in the proportional election system, nominate at least two women out of each five candidates for parliament. Since 2019, a Gender Commission on increasing the role of women in society, gender equality and family has been created in the Senate. The Committee for Women and Family Affairs was newly created, more than 9 thousand positions were established, up to mahallas, specifically dealing with issues of women and family throughout the country and at all levels, rehabilitation centers began to operate to provide assistance to women victims of violence.

Systemic measures taken at the initiative of the head of state, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in order to reduce poverty, establish “women’s notebooks”, reduce unemployment among women and support women’s entrepreneurship, preferential loans for women have yielded tangible results throughout the country. A number of restrictions on women’s occupation and choice of professions were lifted. Advisory councils on gender issues were created in all ministries and departments. As a result, the number of women in parliament reached 33%, in business their number doubled and reached 25%, in political parties 44%, in higher education 40%. In 2023 alone, more than 13,3 billion soums of loans were allocated for the implementation of over 279 thousand women’s business projects, and about 300 billion soums of subsidies were provided to almost 57 thousand women. Based on the “Women’s Notebooks” system, the problems of 994 thousand women were solved, the state allocated 1 trillion 234 million soums for these purposes.

As a result of studying the situation of women in mahallas, targeted assistance was provided to more than 690 thousand families in need of social protection.

In 2024, it is planned to provide 8 thousand women and girls included in the “Youth Notebook” with subsidies to start their own business and purchase equipment, and 10 thousand with preferential loans. It is planned to launch a “Business Marathon” project for 50 thousand young women with the participation of qualified specialists to provide practical assistance in setting up a business.

In the field of education, great attention is also paid to gender equality. The country has taken a number of effective measures to protect women and girls; a gender approach is being introduced into curricula and teaching methods, as well as in STEM education, especially in rural areas. Currently, more than half of the 1 million 300 thousand students, i.e. 653 thousand, are girls. In the master’s program, the share of girls is 60% of master’s students. The state encourages and fully pays for the contracts of women and girls studying for a master’s degree from the state budget. In 2023-24 1,914 girls from needy families were accepted to study at universities using additional government grants. 181,500 girls received preferential educational loans. At the expense of local budgets, the contract amount of more than 2 thousand students from families in need of social protection, orphans or students deprived of parental care was covered for 14 billion soums.

Improving the opportunities and conditions for the education of women and girls in the country gave impetus to an increase in interest in mastering modern knowledge and professions, for example, within the framework of the educational project “One Million Programmers”, 47% were girls. Creating favorable conditions for women in education gives real results in unlocking their potential. Over the past seven years, more than 5 thousand women have been awarded the academic titles of Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science. More than 14 thousand women are conducting their research at universities in Uzbekistan.

Achieving gender equality — is a global task on the agenda of universal international organizations such as the UN and other regional structures. Uzbekistan is actively developing international cooperation in this area. As a party to the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the 1995 Beijing Declaration of the Platform for Action, the country regularly submits national reports to the Committee and develops national action plans. In recent years, great importance has been attached to cooperation in the field of gender equality with the countries of Central Asia. The Forums of Women Leaders of Central Asia and the Asian Women’s Forum in 2024 were successfully held, where representatives of more than 40 countries and international organizations participated.

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