Even in the face of a complex historical legacy New Uzbekistan is striving for a more equitable and transparent system


Sardorjon Zokirov,

Lecturer of Criminal Procedure Law of Tashkent State University of Law.

After gaining independence in 1991, Uzbekistan has long retained elements of the centralized system of governance characteristic of post-Soviet countries. However, since 2016, a new stage of development has begun in the country, marked by the implementation of structural reforms aimed at democratizing society, reducing corruption and improving conditions for civic participation.

The implementation of reforms is linked not only to domestic challenges, such as the need to improve the living standards of the population, but also to the country’s desire to integrate into the global economy and strengthen its reputation in the international arena. These reforms actively discussed both in academic circles and among political analysts.

Since 2016, Uzbekistan has demonstrated a consistent strategy of institutional transformation. According to Professor A.A. Abdullaev of Tashkent State University, ‘the country is in the epicenter of unprecedented socio-political changes aimed at cardinal modernization of all spheres of social life’.

The key trend in modern Uzbekistan is the consistent democratization of the political system. The expansion of parliamentary powers and the creation of a multi-party system are not formal steps, but profound institutional changes.

Today, the main direction of reforms is the transition to a more equitable system in Uzbekistan starts with reforms in the system of public administration. Professor X. Islamkhodjaev, an expert in the field of public law, notes that one of the key tasks is decentralization, which allows regions to make decisions that are more independent. This will directly allow for a deeper expansion of the regions’ autonomy in solving problems and building an open governance of the state.

The introduction of e-government has also played an important role in improving public administration. This step increased the transparency of public services and made them more accessible to citizens. According to S. Karimov’s research, electronic services have reduced corruption by eliminating the human factor at many stages of interaction. Thus, according to Z. Ulmaskhuzhayev, ‘E-government’ is an organizational form of public administration, taking into account the interests of citizens, which is designed to provide services to the population by public authorities, ensuring openness and transparency of public authorities and management using information and communication technologies.

 Samsung General Manager Jung Hen Chang also noted the peculiarity of the development of public administration in this sector: “The e-government system is developing rapidly in Uzbekistan. This is a reflection of the development of innovative technologies in the country, their introduction in all spheres of activity”.

Thus, the cardinal changes and maintenance of such innovations allowed realizing the policy of openness of public authorities. The new policy requires public authorities to report regularly to the public. The introduction of public hearings and platforms for discussion of draft laws strengthens civic participation in governance.

Undoubtedly, the fight against corruption has a special role in the pursuit of fairness and transparency in the state system, since, according to S. M. Rakhimov, corruption is one of the main barriers to building a just society. To combat this phenomenon, Uzbekistan has adopted a National Anti-Corruption Strategy and established a special Anti-Corruption Agency.

In addition, the introduction of the Law ‘On Combating Corruption’ has played an important role; this law has identified the following priority areas:

  • Expansion of anti-corruption mechanisms
  • Strengthening the responsibility of officials
  • Creation of a transparent system of income declaration.

The creation of a fair and transparent judicial system is also important. Professor D. Suyunova emphasises that an effective judicial system is the basis of a just society.

Increasing the independence of the courts. Reducing the influence of the executive branch on the judiciary and personnel, reforms have created an equal environment for justice.

Key legislative changes have been made to ensure this objective:

  1. Law on Courts (new version 2021)
  2. Strengthening the independence of the judiciary
  3. Introduction of e-justice
  4. Expansion of the adversarial nature of court proceedings

2 Changes to the Code of Criminal Procedure

  • Humanization of criminal legislation
  • Strengthening guarantees of the rights of suspects and accused persons
  • Introduction of jury trial

3. Law on Guarantees of Citizens’ Rights in the Judicial System

  • Expansion of judicial protection of rights
  • Simplification of access to justice
  • Introduction of free legal aid

This activity allowed to significantly increasing fairness both at the pre-trial and judicial stages. The independence of judges in their activities, subordination only to the law, been significantly expanded. In addition, many modern legal scholars note the importance of improving the judicial system, “modernization of the judicial system is not only a technical transformation, but also the formation of a new legal culture. The introduction of digital technologies and the principle of adversarial proceedings fundamentally changes approaches to justice”.

Thus, it can be noted the significant importance and role of improving the judiciary in the way of building a just society in the state.

Uzbekistan’s aspiration to a fair and transparent system is a significant step in the country’s development. The reforms undertaken have already yielded important results, but for their sustainability, it is necessary to continue to work on strengthening institutions, developing civil society and legal culture.

Consequently, Uzbekistan’s progress can serve as an example for other countries, showing that it is possible to build a society based on fairness and transparency even in the face of a difficult historical legacy.


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