The more independent we are, the more we will become a force to reckon with, says Shavkat Mirziyoyev


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the government meeting in Karshi on October 25, touched upon the importance of achieving independence in all areas.

“There is a crisis of trust in the world. Competition in the world is intensifying. Each state is fighting for its future. If we do not set a high goal in this struggle, we will be left far behind. Without forgetting our past, we need to create the right foundation for our tomorrow. We must act as one family, as one society, so that our beloved Motherland, Uzbekistan, changes,” the president said (quoted from the Saturday program “Menimcha” of the Uzbekistan 24 TV channel).

“Today we are living in a world of openness,” the head of state noted.

“Getting our own national policies in order is extremely difficult. If we are not strong and independent, there are many forces that will pull us in different directions. Why am I trying to make all areas more independent? The more independent we are, the stronger our economy, the more we will become a force to reckon with. Due to what? Only due to our efforts. We have one wealth – our labor. If we fail to strive to give our best in our position and current conditions, we will lose in many ways and be left behind,” he said.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev pointed to the importance of developing education in all areas for the further development of Uzbekistan.

“If, thanks to the will of God, there will be peace within 10-15 years, I can imagine what goals Uzbekistan will be able to achieve. First of all, we should all appreciate the peace in our country, the opportunities created for our people. Make one conclusion for yourself: we must work hard for the peace of our families. I always give a simple example: we should be able to provide peace until our youngest grandchild reaches our age. But the fate of peace and tranquility is decided not by defense, but by intelligence and knowledge,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized.

The Tashkent Times


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