PM Aripov’s remarks at CIS government heads meeting


Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov addressed the meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS countries on Thursday in Bishkek. In his remarks, he, in particular, proposed creating conditions for the unified operation of the energy systems of the CIS countries. He added that to this end it was necessary to take into account the capabilities of each of the commonwealth countries in generating and consuming energy.

Abdulla Aripov also called the concept for the development of industrial cooperation in the CIS and a set of measures for its development for the period until 2030, adopted in June at the initiative of Uzbekistan, a “big step”.

“To further step up efforts in this area, we propose to develop a set of additional measures to stimulate mutual investments and promote projects,” he underscored.

Abdulla Aripov also recalled the initiative of the president Shavkat Mirziyoyev to hold a forum of industrial cooperation and innovative developments of the CIS countries in April 2024 in Tashkent as part of the Innoprom industrial week.

“We also support the synchronization of national import substitution programs. This will help promote joint projects in priority sectors of the economy,” added the PM Aripov.

He also proposed creating a single CIS e-commerce platform and accelerating the adoption of an agreement on eliminating technical barriers for the CIS countries.

Abdulla Aripov also recalled Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s initiative to form a CIS free trade zone and revise the provisions of the relevant agreement without exceptions and restrictions.

“We propose to accelerate the adoption of an agreement on the elimination of technical barriers and mutual recognition of the results of assessing the conformity of objects of technical regulation,” added the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan.

Abdulla Aripov spoke in favor of preparing a separate roadmap with measures to support partnerships between regions of the CIS countries, including holding the first interregional forum of the Commonwealth countries, intensifying exhibition events and mutual visits of representatives of the business community.

The Prime Minister also focused on the area of cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

“As part of the upcoming events in Samarkand, declared the cultural capital of the commonwealth, we plan to hold a week of art and cinema of the CIS countries next spring,” he said.

He also said that Uzbekistan was also preparing a busy program of events in Tashkent, declared the youth capital of the commonwealth in 2024.


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